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Various Initiatives
Ecosystem Restoration
Sustainable Development Goals
Ecosystem Restoration
Sustainable Development Goals
Gujarat Government, Dholakia Foundation Welcomes UN Agencies and Hosts India’s First-ever Carbon Neutral Water Festival"
Gujarat Government, Dholakia Foundation Welcomes UN Agencies and Hosts India’s First-ever Carbon Neutral Water Festival"
Our Impact
million trees planted
lakes developed
liters of water conserved
farmers/locals benefitted
Sustainable Development Goals
No Poverty
Prospering Agriculture & Generating Livelihood
The Lake Development has significantly raised the groundwater level as compared to the earlier times. The push in the groundwater table through the lake development has contributed to a huge increase in crop cultivation & production. The effort in the drought-prone areas has created livelihood opportunities which became a source of income generation for the local people, consequently providing for the families.
Zero Hunger
Recharging the Groundwater & Improving water supply for irrigation
Lake development in water-scarce areas has addressed the challenges in the locality. The deepened lakes have greater storage capacity, allowing the water to seep in, resulting in groundwater recharge. The lakes have improved the water supply for irrigation for the agricultural farmers in the village. Flourishing agriculture and livelihood opportunities ensures more than two meals daily for the local people.
Good Health And Well-Being
Improving Health and Crop yield
Lake development acts as a source of water for irrigation which enhances crop cultivation. The flourishing agriculture has improved soil quality and produce, boosting the yield of nutritional crops.
Quality Education
Investing to Unleash Student Potential
Ensuring basic services in school is fundamental to creating a conducive atmosphere for the learning and growth of students. The created water bodies have catered to the water scarcity challenges, providing a stable solution and easing the pressure on schools and communities alike. The newfound reliability makes clean water readily available, allowing students to concentrate effectively on their studies and maximize their academic and personal growth potential.
Gender Equality
Transforming Lives with Accessible Water Sources
The villagers were taking multiple trips to fetch water and were carrying loaded buckets on their heads to home. Mostly women’s extensive time spent carrying water and engaging in unpaid domestic work hindered their ability to pursue livelihoods. The girls helping their mothers also missed out on school. Nearby constructed lakes have enhanced the ground water level which in turn has filled the wells and existing water bodies. Better water access has cut down the time & toil enabling women to chase their aspirations and explore livelihood options.
Clean Water And Sanitation
Reviving the regions by boosting the power of water resources
Numerous lakes along with check dams in identified drought-prone areas have been constructed. The deepened lakes have enhanced the water table as well as enabled more water to percolate in underlying soil resulting in groundwater recharge. As the lakes’ construction progressed, the water level in the wells increased and improved the water supply source for domestic water usage.
Affordable And Clean Energy
Approaching for Non-conventional Methods
With a bigger goal, the Mission River is moving forward to create visibility for the re-existence of endangered and extinct rivers. The intervention aims to facilitate the utilization of non-conventional methods and generate potential for hydropower renewable energy once the lakes and rivers are perennial.
Decent Work & Economic Growth
Water Project Sparks Aspired Livelihoods and Economic Growth
Water projects with raised groundwater have boosted the agriculture output with increased yield. With the current water situation, farmers are able to cultivate triple crops in a year. The surplus produces from enhanced farming has enabled communities to engage in trade and fueled economic growth. Simultaneously lake development has reduced the drudgery for women affording them spare time to pursue additional livelihood activities for better living.
Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure
Harvesting Hopes & Transforming Rural Resilience
The lake construction involved visionary infrastructural development as the check-dams built hold a role in ensuring numerous benefits. By harnessing water in more contained segments, these check dams aid in groundwater replenishment simultaneously offering a good irrigation source for agriculture. During dry seasons, it acts as a dependable source and contributes to the resilience of rural communities.
Reduced Inequalities
Bridging Socio-Economic Gaps in Marginalized Communities
The planning of lake development in its true sense, aims to formulate inclusivity and holistic evolution for the overall growth of the community. It has strived to create a structure that advocates equal access to water resources for all members of the community regardless of socioeconomic status. Beyond mere accessibility, the water resource becomes a medium for collective prosperity, social cohesion, and empowering individuals.
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainable Development and Community Ownership for Resilient Cities
Lake development has served as an important water reservoir, providing a sustainable water source for drinking, irrigation, and other uses. Sustainable lake-centric projects that involve community participation and awareness initiatives create a sense of community ownership and sustainable practices contributing to the overall liveability and well-being of communities.
Responsible Consumption and Production
Lake construction elevates groundwater, ensuring agricultural sustainability.
The construction of lakes has successfully revived the depleted groundwater levels, raising the water table significantly. This positive impact is evident in the improved crop yields and agricultural output. Over the years, this initiative has proven to be a sustainable solution, gradually enhancing the groundwater reserves. As a result, farmers are now able to cultivate multiple crops, reflecting the long-term benefits of this approach.
Climate Action
Harnessing Lakes for Climate Resilience
Lake has been a natural resource to mitigate the effects of climate change and promote sustainable development in rural areas. For building and preserving biodiversity in and around lakes, initiatives like afforestation, organic farming, and reducing water pollution have been introduced in the villages enhancing climate resilience.
Life Below Water
Guardians of Climate Moderation and Natural Splendor
The progression of lake development with its implementation of green bedding has catalyzed the creation of a conducive environment for marine life to flourish. The innovative system and nurturing environment support a rich variety of flora and fauna to thrive abundantly.
Life on Land
Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience for All
The Lake has been diligently tended to serving as a vital hub for biodiversity conservation, offering essential habitats for humans and wildlife like Asian Lion, Black Buck, etc. Through concerted efforts in establishing a terrestrial ecosystem dedicated to water preservation, the once diminished population of migratory birds has experienced a remarkable resurgence.
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution
Empowering Communities by Fair Access to Water Promotes Peace and Justice
Fair access to vital resources like water has established peace and justice in the intervention villages. Involving local communities in decision-making processes has built trust and empowered marginalized groups.
Partnerships for the Goals
Transformative Water Initiatives Uniting Communities, Government and stakeholder for sustainable development
Mission River with a broader approach that combines environmental conservation, community empowerment, and social & economic development unites local communities, government entities, CSOs, and stakeholders. The ongoing Water projects have secured a partnership with the Government of Gujarat on the joint goal of river rejuvenation.
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