Sustainable Development Goals - Dholakia Foundation
Sustainable Development Goals

Under the visionary leadership of Padma Shri Savjibhai Dholakia, numerous philanthropic activities have been established in India since 1996. Now, as stewards of progressive change in the 21st century, The Dholakia Foundation aspires to emerge as champions of sustainable development. We aim to epitomise true corporate and philanthropic responsibility towards a more equitable future through accelerated actions aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The SDGs, comprising 17 interconnected goals, offer a comprehensive blueprint for addressing the world’s most pressing challenges. Recognizing the profound influence of progress in one area on the achievement of the other vital outcomes, the team prioritises a multifaceted strategy for holistic development by striking harmony among social, economic, and environmental targets. From ensuring water security to sourcing renewable energy, from empowering youth and marginalised communities to shaping industry standards, our contributions stand as a testament to the diversity and dynamism of our approach.

With a mission to preserve the environment, the Dholakia Foundation actively contributes to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations with a special focus on SDGs: 4 (Quality Education), 6(Clean Water and Sanitation), 13 (Climate Action), 14 (Life Below Water), and 15 (Life On Land). With a commitment towards ecosystem restoration efforts in India.

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal: 1

No Poverty

Goal: 1
No Poverty
End Poverty In All Its Forms Everywhere
Dholakia Foundation is dedicated to advancing social justice and uplifting marginalised groups. We aim to end all forms and aspects of poverty by 2030, not just material poverty.


  • Distribution of food to needy people at Aapti village.
  • Balashram School provides home and education to 100 orphan boys.

Goal: 2

Zero Hunger

Goal: 2
Zero Hunger
End Hunger, Achieve Food Security, Improved Nutrition And Promote Sustainable Agriculture
Dholakia Foundation participates in numerous food and nutrition security projects targeted at assisting needy & underprivileged communities in the regions where it operates. Our initiatives highlight the foundation’s dedication to giving back to community.


  • Food kit distribution to needy people on customer’s birthdays.

Goal: 3

Good Health And Well-Being

Goal: 3
Good Health And Well-Being
Ensure Healthy Lives And Promote Well-Being For All At All Ages
Dholakia Foundation’s efforts in promoting health and well-being for its employees and their families are in line with SDG 3. The Foundation’s dedication in promoting a healthier and sustainable future is evident through its various health related initiatives.


  • Blood donation camps
  • Health checkups camps
  • Thalassemia checkup camps
  • Cancer checkup camps

Goal: 4

Quality Education

Goal: 4
Quality Education
Ensure Inclusive And Equitable Quality Education And Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities For All
In line with SDG 4, Dholakia Foundation is dedicated to fostering high quality education and opportunities for lifelong learning for everyone. The Foundation offers an inclusive and equitable education to underprivileged children and communities in Gujarat, India through its Education Assistance Program.


  • Dholakia Nirman
  • Hari Krishna Library
  • Education Quality Improvement Programs for teachers

Goal: 5

Gender Equality

Goal: 5
Gender Equality
Achieve Gender Equality And Empower All Women And Girls
Dholakia Foundation acknowledges that women’s empowerment is a multifaceted issue and has so taken a comprehensive approach to attain SDG 4. The Foundation’s women’s empowerment project has been helpful in giving work opportunities to women contributing to economic empowerment.


  • Work opportunities to around 200 women

Goal: 6

Clean Water And Sanitation

Goal: 6
Clean Water And Sanitation
Ensure Availability And Sustainable Management Of Water And Sanitation For All
Dholakia Foundation has successfully built 144 Sarovars till 2023 that has benefited around 20 villages and more than 2,00,000 farmers/ locals by storing xx billion litres of water. The Foundation has received a special accreditation from UN Water Conference for its contribution in protecting and restoring water related ecosystem and biodiversity


  • Lake Rejuvenation Project
  • Sewage Treatment Plant

Goal: 7

Affordable And Clean Energy

Goal: 7
Affordable And Clean Energy
Ensure Access To Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable And Modern Energy
Dholakia Foundation understands the critical importance of energy availability and transformation for human and economic growth. As an environmentally conscious business, we have turned to solar energy to meet our energy needs, lowering our carbon footprints and creating a cleaner environment.


  • Conventional to Renewable Energy through Solar Power

Goal: 8

Decent Work & Economic Growth

Goal: 8
Decent Work & Economic Growth
Promote Inclusive And Sustainable Economic Growth, Employment And Decent Work For All
At Dholakia Foundation, we strive to create a transparent, ethical and fair work environment.


  • Donation of Sewing Machine to Needy people.
  • Effective Leadership and Self Management Training Program for Surat City Development members
  • Loyalty Program for employees

Goal: 9

Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure

Goal: 9
Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure
Build Resilient Infrastructure, Promote Sustainable Industrialization And Foster Innovation
At Dholakia Foundation, we believe in the importance of sustainable industrialization and its role in creating a better future for everyone. We understand that sustainable practices are not only morally responsible, but they also help drive our economic growth.


  • Provision and utilisation of Laser Machine and Sewage Treatment Plant

Goal: 10

Reduced Inequalities

Goal: 10
Reduced Inequalities
Reduce Inequality Within And Among Countries
In line with SDG 10, Dholakia Foundation has made tremendous progress towards establishing a workplace that embraces diversity, equality and inclusion. Through our initiative we have been able to uphold our reputation as a desirable employer in the areas where it conducts business and establishes a social standard for its employees.


  • Adoption of suitable laws, rules, and preventive measures to outlaw discrimination
  • Fostering a culture of respect and understanding
  • Equitable employment opportunities for men, women, and people with special abilities

Goal: 11

Sustainable Cities And Communities

Goal: 11
Sustainable Cities And Communities
Make Cities Inclusive, Safe, Resilient And Sustainable
Dholakia Foundation has embarked on several noteworthy initiatives in line with SDG 11. Our initiatives demonstrate our commitment to creating a sustainable, clean and inclusive urban environment.


  • Employee Commute Facility
  • Promoting Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
  • Distribution of Dustbins

Goal: 12

Responsible Consumption And Production

Goal: 12
Responsible Consumption And Production
Ensure Sustainable Consumption And Production Patterns
Dholakia Foundation commitment to transitioning to sustainable materials aligned with SDG 12. By adopting eco-friendly and renewable materials, we reduce the environmental impact of our products.


  • Sustainable Material Transition
  • Plastic Reduction Initiative

Goal: 13

Climate Action

Goal: 13
Climate Action
Take Urgent Action To Combat Climate Change And Its Impacts
Dholakia Foundation is dedicated to fight Climate Change by promoting sustainable practices that support the environment and communities. The Foundation’s commitment to sustainable practices serves as a model for others to fight against Climate Change.


  • Planted 2.9 million trees under Mission 102030

Goal: 14

Life Below Water

Goal: 14
Life Below Water
Conserve And Sustainably Use The Oceans, Seas And Marine Resources
Dholakia Foundation is dedicated to create awareness about the importance of conserving natural resources such as water bodies and marine resources. We believe that healthy rivers, oceans and other water bodies are essential to human existence and life below water.


  • Lakeside Aquatic Conservation Project

Goal: 15

Life on Land

Goal: 15
Life on Land
Sustainably Manage Forests, Combat Desertification, Halt & Reverse Land Degradation, Halt Biodiversity Loss
Dholakia Foundation is aimed at protecting, restoring and promoting sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combating desertification, halting and reversing land degradation in conjunction with integrating ecosystems and biodiversity into national and local planning.


  • Tree Plantation at HK Hub
  • KISNA Nature Park

Goal: 16

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution

Goal: 16
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution
Promote Justice, Peaceful And Inclusive Societies
Dholakia Foundation remains committed to advancing SDG 16 by fostering peaceful and inclusive societies, promoting access to justice, and building effective and accountable institutions through our efforts.


  • Program for Mahesana Police Officials
  • Training for Municipal Corporation Officers

Goal: 17


Goal: 17
Revitalise The Global Partnership For Sustainable Development
Dholakia Foundation firmly believes that achieving sustainable development can’t be accomplished in isolation. The foundation has secured special collaborations to expand the impact of our social & environmental activities. Key partnerships involve local nonprofit organisations addressing community specific challenges like access to clean water.


  • Partnership with the Government of Gujarat
  • UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
  • UN Global Compact

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